Landscaping Update

Median landscaping is on hold due to the ongoing drought and mandatory water use restrictions. New planting will be installed when the drought is over and water use restrictions have been lifted. We appreciate your patience as we all do our part to conserve water.
Street Lighting Update

Based on feedback from the community meetings held in February and June and several meetings with the Community Advisory Committee over subsequent months, the County identified overall aesthetics and the lighting impacts as the key issues to address.
The County is committed to provide uniform lighting throughout the corridor and has developed solutions to address aesthetics and lighting impacts within that framework.
- Pole Replacement in Zones 2 (Corte Comoda to Bon Air) and Zone 4 (El Portal to Eliseo) with decorative poles and fixtures
- New pole fixture height of 25 feet versus old pole fixture height of 34 feet
- Poles to be forest green in color vs. galvanized steel
- Replacing all fixtures throughout corridor (all zones) for dimmer lighting (typically from 12,000 to 8,000 or 5,000 lumens)
- Backshields to be installed as necessary to modify light distribution and prevent spillover
Lighting poles and fixtures will be replaced along about one third of the corridor with shorter, decorative poles and fixtures. The shorter poles would require closer spacing to sufficiently and uniformly light the roadway, resulting in a net increase in total street lights. To reduce additional cost, the placement of these decorative poles would reuse light foundations already installed to the extent possible.
The remaining light fixtures on the other two thirds of the project corridor, excluding intersection lighting, would be replaced with different fixtures that are dimmer and cast less light outside of the roadway and sidewalks. In addition, backlight shields would be installed on all sidewalk light poles to further minimize light spill into neighboring yards.