Project Overview
The Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Rehabilitation Project consists of various physical modifications to the corridor. In addition to repaving, the project consists of pedestrian/cyclist safety improvements, striping, intersection and signal improvements, traffic operation improvements, utility infrastructure improvements, landscaping, and new street lighting. The final environmental impact report (EIR) for the project was approved by the Board of Supervisors in May 2018.
For more details about specific corridor improvements by location, you can review a set of illustrative plans here.
Project Map

Previous Work Completed
Sir Francis Drake Boulevard was one of the major roads identified as needing extensive rehabilitation in the Measure A Expenditure Plan in 2006. DPW began initial planning of the project in 2014 with background research, preliminary analysis, and the implementation of a robust public outreach process. This process included the convening of a community advisory committee, five large-scale community meetings, and two public walking tours of the corridor. All community input was addressed in the subsequent final EIR.

Costs & Funding
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) allocated $14.5 million for the project from its Major Roads Project Fund. County staff secured approximately $3,465,000 from other stakeholders including the County Service Area 17 (Kentfield-Larkspur), the Marin County Street Light Fund, MCI/Verizon, and various grants. The Marin Municipal Water District agreed to reimburse the County for the base bid amount of $3 million for replacement of their its pipeline as well all other associated costs.
Public Works staff continues to work with TAM, the City of Larkspur, and other stakeholders to seek additional funding to offset the $3.3 million impact to the County’s Road & Bridge Capital Improvement Fund.